JavaScript You have to Know about

Md. Razikul Islam Joni
2 min readMay 5, 2021

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm, dynamic language with types and operators, standard built-in objects, and methods. Because C is called the mother of all programming languages it is also based On the C programming language. javascript is a dynamically typed language. it means you don't have to define data types like other languages like c.Javascript supports Object-Oriented Programming with prototypes. There are many many versions in javascript like ES1, Es2, …, es5, ES6. The full meaning of Es is ECMAScript. Who defines the name of javascript.

There are types of paradigm code types in javascript.


Object-Oriented Programming and


If you are planning to learn javascript you have to learn few basic things to start.

Programming Fundamentals

Data Types







Global scope and Lexical Scope


These are the fundamentals you have to Know.

If you are interested to learn and explore more about javascript you have to learn more things like:

Objected-Oriented theory

Object creation patterns



Global Object and this method

Bind, Call and Apply

ES6(Ecma Script 6)

Javascript Engine

Error Handling

Asynchronous Programming etc

If you are finished with these things and if you are interested in fronted development there are many javascript frameworks and libraries. Here is the few below





NextJs etc

But nowadays ReactJs getting more popular Library of Javascript. It is getting more popular with frontend developers. Because it is a library all the power of customizations in the hand of a developer. That's why developers love ReactJs.

There Is a popular javascript Runtime in Javascript called NodeJs For Backend Development.


react is a javascript library. Because it’s a library you can make a lot of customizations on it. That’s why developer loves it and its popularity getting high day by day. It’s used for the front-end design. It’s easy to use it has lot of customizations had a lot of developer support that's why its become more popular.

